J&S Kennels Breeder of Field Gordon Setters
1 Cor. 10:31
....whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.
Gordon Setter Breeder
Gordon Setter Breeder
Puppy Testimonials
Good Morning to you in Oklahoma,
Yesterday was Kacey's second visit to the vet, more shots, etc. She is doing quite well, weighed in at 15.5 lbs(up from 10.2 just two weeks ago), and received three meds. Two were boosters from the first dose two weeks ago, and the third was the beginning of another. Go back in three weeks and she finishes all her shots including rabies.
I have been taking her to the barn with me in the mornings, second trip down and after daylight. Tried to take her with me this morning at 0600 in the dark, but that didn't work out too well. The second she got away from me, she took to the house like a race horse. thank God for cell phones, for I called Sue and she turned on the carport lights and there sat Kacey waiting for breakfast. She has gone with me on the tractor to haul the horse manure to the thin places in the pastures. She rides with me, but when we get to where we're going to spread the horse stuff she is turned loose and runs about. Getting to be quite strong with good muscles. She knows her name, comes when called, and has been the star of the puppy class at doggie school. Most of the adults there think she is absolutely adorable, and she is, of course.
Thanks for sharing one of your better pups with us. We are delighted to have her.
Ron and Sue Hay